Team 1 Sickle Cell

Our website is on Sickle cell Anemia. We chose this disease because it is most common in African Americans, and a African American students it has a personal connection to us, and we feel as though we should know more about it. Sickle cell affects the hemoglobin-beta gene which is found on chromosome 11. Sickle cell is an autosomal recessive trait. Around 70,000 to 100,000 Americans have this disease. If both parents have Sickle cell there is a 50% chance that their child can be born a carrier of the trait. This can be a life threatening disease that affects your red blood cells. This causes the blood clots which leads to infections, pain episodes, acute chest syndrome, and possibly stroke. Symptoms you may have are delayed growth or puberty and, swelling of hands and feet. A diet emphasizing fruits, vegetables, whole grains, and legumes will provide a greater proportion of essential nutrients than a typical Western diet, and appropriate supplementation. There is no cure for sickle cell, but if treated right those who have the disease can go on to live full lives.


  • Pain

  • Hands and feet swelling

  • Lots of infections

  • Vision problems

  • Delayed growth or puberty

(Sickle Cell Can Be Treated With A Blood Transfusion)

Easy Butter Fruit Cobbler and Stuffed Peppers are just two of the many recipes that are good for you to eat when you have a sickle or even symptoms of it.

Gabby M., James N., Gabby R.