
What is Anti-Aging?

As the skin ages, the production of collagen and elastin decreases causing the skin to sag. Common issues with our topic were wrinkles in the skin. Common treatments for skin are staying hydrated, using sunscreen, staying motorized, and eating healthy. Some foods that help improve skin are carrots, tomatoes, berries, apricots, beans, peas, and lentils. Some foods that are not good for your skin are fat or oil-based/greasy foods with a high-calorie count. Telomeres play a part in your skin's health as well. A telomere is the end of a chromosome. They are made up of repetitive sequences of non-coding just DNA that protect the chromosome from damage. A consequence of this protection is cellular senescence and aging.

Paleo Baked Eggs in Avocado

Foodology Project .mp4

Cooking Paleo Baked Eggs in Avocado

By: Jade S.

Salmon Quinoa Bowl

Cooking Salmon Quinoa Bowl

By: Riley D.


Salmon Quinoa Bowl

The Salmon Quinoa Bowl has, Nucleic Acids from the salmon because it was once alive. Proteins in the salmon and quinoa. Lipids from the salmon, but it is good fat. And the carbohydrates are in quinoa.

Paleo Baked Eggs in Avocado

Protein is found in eggs and avocados. Both avocados and eggs contain carbohydrates, and eggs contain only trace amounts of carbohydrates. Avocados and eggs contain lipids, and avocados and eggs contain nucleic acids, because nucleic acids are always present in everything you use.

Sources: Nyjen. “Paleo Baked Eggs in Avocado.” Allrecipes, 2015,

Gulia, Julia. “Salmon Quinoa Bowl.” Allrecipes, 2020,

Riley D., Jade S., Laura T., Sama K.