Deep Dive Into Fusion 360 (Part 2)

Fusion 360 bicycle rack

I created this by using the line tool to create a outline of the bicycle rack that didn't have the curves. Then using the arch command to create the rounded edges. Then I created a circle on one of the ends of the bicycle rack and then I used the sweep command so that it would replicate the dimensions of the circle across the rest of the bicycle rack.

2d drawings

These are 2D drawings of the bicycle rack and a joint connector. The 2D drawings show different angles and different views of the object. In the 2D drawing you can show every face and angle of the object. They are also helpful for showing dimensions of and object. To create a 2D drawling you open the file you want to create the drawing of and go to the application bar select the file image>New Drawing>From Design, then what preferences you want.

1x4 lego brick

This is a 1x4 lego brick that I created through a 2d drawling. I started with creating a rectangle and then extruded the rectangle. I then selected the top of the rectangle and created four circles then smaller ones inside of the larger circles and then extruded the four rings. I then selected the side of the rectangle and created three circles and then extruded them trough the rectangle and I used a fillet to curve the edges a little. I then used a shell on the bottom to hollow it out.

3d ORIGINAL lego

This is a 1x3 lego brick that I created by measuring a lego piece and used dimensions form the 1x4 since legos are all compatible. I created this the same why I did the 1x4 except I only needed to do three circles on top and I didn't need any circles through the lego but I did still need the shell to make it hollow.

2d original lego

This is the 2D drawling of my 1x3 lego. I showed all of the dimensions I thought were needed to re-create the piece.

2d partners lego

This is the 2D drawing of my partners original lego brick. He created a 1x1 lego brick with a slanted side.

3d re-creation

This is my 3D re-creation of my partners lego brick. To create it I started with a rectangle and extrude it. Then I created a triangle on the side of the rectangle and the cut it into the rectangle to create the slanted side. Then I used the shell command to hollow it and then finished it off by creating then extruding the circle on top.

These are the cutom keycaps I made

3d design

This is the keycap I made after following the tutorial. One challenge I had was the tutorial didn't give many dimensions so I had to eye ball a lot of it. I made it by creating a box then extruding, then I created two triangles on two sides then cut them into the keycap and then I used a fillet to round the edges to create the keycap out line. Then I used the shell command to hollow it out then I created a circle with a cross in the middle and extruded it so that I could click into a key switch.

Printed Keycap

I added the Virginia Tech logo to the keycap and saved it as a new file so that I could continue to use the base and add different designs to the top. To get the logo I inserted a canvas of the image I wanted and put it on the top of the keycap then traced it and cut it into the keycap.

2d drawing

This is the 2D drawing of the keycap I made. I tried adding as many dimensions as I could because the tutorial missed most of them.