RockSim Model Rocket

Using RockSim to create a simulated rocket with a B4-4 Estes Engine.

Using the two documents Mr. Dubick provided I learned that the most optimal nose cone was a pointed ellipse and the most optimal fins were ellipses. Knowing that I built my rocket using those two pieces starting with a fuselage that was 7 inches long and then building off of that. For the nose cone I didn't know what to change so I picked the one that looked similar to the ones we had in the lab, but I tested the fins multiple times trying to find the most optimal shape. I found that by moving the altimeter lower in the rocket but making sure the center of gravity was above the center of pressure and I got it to fly 934.79ft. I realized I hadn't added a launch lung or a parachute. I added the launch lug then simulated the flight and the rocket exploded. This is because I had moved the center of gravity on top of the center of pressure and then added the launch lug moving the center of gravity below the center of pressure. On that file I was never able to get my center of gravity back so I took photos of each piece and remade the rocket on a new file where everything was working. 

Final Simulated Rocket


After constructing the rocket following similar steps to the Estes Alpha 1 my rocket was ready to fly. The main problem was by this point there were no altimeters even thought my rocket had been prepared for one by drilling 4 holes in the fuselage around where the altimeter goes to allow it to check air pressure. So my rocket no longer was as optimal because the fins were based on a rocket that included the altimeter but I launched any way. 
