Flite Test Retro Rocket 

For my honor project, I made a Retro Rocket from Flite Test. Following their tutorials I made the Retro Rocket and created my plans. Here is the link to the tutorial and here is the link to the files. The file link is to the folder with all the files my class made but the file I made is called RetroRocketPart5Page1-4.cdr 

Fuselage Progress Photos 

Fuselage Final Photos 




Wings Progress Photos 

Wings Final Photos 


One of the main challenges I had was working alone. I'm glad I did work alone because the plane I built will be solely mine, however, there were a lot of problems with only having two hands. There were lots of times when I burnt myself on glue because I needed to quickly move a piece in place and I'd burn myself. One of the most difficult parts of building the plane was the cockpit of the plane(Top and Centered). It was very difficult because of the awkward way the foam had to bend and using my hands and the glue to try and hold it in place until it dried became a very difficult task. What didn't help was the fact that I was missing the front piece to the cockpit so I needed to laser cut it out which added to the time I spent on the cockpit.