Dragon Chess piece contest

To help learn advanced features of the Prusa Slicer, we were given partners and a goal of changing advanced settings in the slicer to improve quality, lower time, and lower cost. But you could only focus on two of the three aspects. My partner was Avery Booker. Here is a link to the spread sheet that shows every change we made: https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1Ctwbg_eSDM-cSilWpMiTpyewz4Zr4RpohG8JNgAU1yA/edit#gid=0. The spread sheet is a little confusing to read but the way it works is every different change you make you update the number. So for normal Test 1 and 2 the only difference is infill. And between Test 1.2.1 and 1.2.2 is the amount of parameters. 

Test 2.1

This was the first version we printed. This one was to test the supports to make sure they were in good positions and just to make sure we had a working print.  You can see print specifications on the spread sheet.

Test 2.1.1

This was the second version we printed. This print was our first real step towards printing quickly and with the least amount of filament possible.  You can see print specifications on the spread sheet.

test 2.1.2

This was the final version we printed. This one was risky. Everything was just like Test 2.1.1 but we changed the infill present to 0 . You can see print specifications on the spread sheet.