My Final Project

For my final project I wanted to create a mini keyboard, since I have started to get interested in computers and their accessories. My goal is for the mini keyboard to function like a normal keyboard just less efficient but smaller, since there will only be 10 keys on the keyboard. I will be following the project done by CameronCoward on, I will be altering the project by removing unwanted text from the keyboard itself and changing what the keys will input. I will be using parts suggested that Cameron used for the instructables project.


This was the first day of the project. I started out by creating the outline for my digital portfolio so that I could track what I had done for each day. I designed a rough out line of my project and I made a top and bottom view of the mini keyboard to show the keys and the wiring. I finished the day by importing a STL file from by CameronCoward.


Today I edited the STL file. In fusion 360 I had to turn it into a mesh because when I imported the file it was a a grouped object and I could not edit specific aspects of the STL file. Once I turned it into a mesh I removed some unwanted text that was on the original file and I have started cleaning up the file by removing unimportant lines on the file.


Today I exported the file from fusion 360 as an OBJ file and I put it into the PrusaSlicer so that I could make sure it would print properly and so that I could export the g-code. When I imported the file to the PrusaSlicer, it told me that the file was to big for the printers we have at Charlotte Latin.


Since I had to cut of parts of my STL file so that it could fit the print bed, I imported the file to SketchUp so that I could remove parts of the keyboard to make it smaller. I then imported it to Fusion 360 then exported the file as an OBJ file.


When opened the file in the PrusaSlicer it said it was to big. So I measured the file size in fusion 360 and found out that fusion 360 had added an extra few thousand millimeters making the file 175in by 100in which is obviously to big for the 3d printer. I asked for a little bit of help and my friend told me the Tinker CAD handles STL files better so I imported it to Tinker CAD then exported the STL as an OBJ and sent it to the PrusaSlicer and it fit perfectly now I just need to remove the unwanted text again.


Today I was a little annoyed with Fusion 360 and my stl files so today I put all of my key caps, mx blue cherry switches, and key cap stabilizers together. I figured out exactly what I want each of my keys to input when pressed. 1 Escape key that will act like a escape key, a question mark key that will input !@#$%^&*()_+-=[]\{}|;':",./<>? ,a number 1 key that will input 1234567890 so I can make any number I want. An A key that will input abcdefghijklm, a B key that will input ABCDEFGHIJKLIM, a C key that will input nopqrstuvwxyz, a D key that will input NOPQRSTUVWXYZ so that I can make any word with capital letters if needed. And im using a space bar, backspace, and a enter key.


I imported the file into fusion 360 and converted the STL file into a mesh and extruded the text back to the rest of the body removing it from the STL file and I decided not to add my name this time. I exported the STL as a OBJ and opened it in the PrusaSlicer and it fit perfectly and after slicing it it said it would take 6 hours and 45 minutes.


Today I went back through my daily journal and updated anything I missed and added photos to go with each day.


Today I started my print. The print would last 6 hours and 45 minutes so I would be able to connect the print at the end of the day. After my last period I went to check on it and it was done and it worked well so I moved it to the by box that I created in the first unit so that I could keep it with the rest of my project.


Today I weeded my print by removing all of the supports. To do this I used wire cutters to rip off the supports from the print. I also put the keys in ,they fit perfectly. I did have a little trouble with putting in the key cap stabilizers, but besides that the print is perfect.


Today I modified the key cap stabilizers by cutting parts of it off so that I would fit in my print. I was able to put my spacebar on without it tilting and falling off.


Today I started to solder. I took a wire, stripped its ends and used it as a jumper wire, male to male. Then I soldered one end to the output prong on the key switch and I will solder the other end to the Raspberry Pi.


Today I finished soldering the of the output prongs on each of the key switches. I have not soldered it to the Raspberry Pi yet.


Today I started connecting all of the key switches because they all need power and the power can flow through each switch.


Today I continued connecting the key switches so that the power could flow through all of the switches.


Today I finished connecting all of the switches together.


Today I soldered each switch to my Raspberry Pi Pico. The Pico would be able to register the inputs given from each switch while being pressed.


This was the code that was paired with the STL file I downloaded at the start of the project. The code is in Python, a coding language. Python works well with Raspberry Pi's; however, they also can work with Arduino code which I was more familiar with.


Since I wanted to work in Arduino I had to create my code with some help from the internet. I had to use the library "Keyboard.h". Library's allow you use commands that normally wouldn't be available and would cause an error in your code. Which allowed me to use inputs from the switches as keyboard keys.


Today I learned that the library needed to code a keyboard through Arduino was outdated. Even though the code was made for a Pico, it would not function with the library that it needed to use; however, the library would work with an Arduino Leonardo, the Arduino Micro, and the Arduino-compatible Pro Micro. Unfortunately the Lab did not have any of these so I had to order a Arduino Pro-Micro and hope that it arrived on time, because since the library would work the rest of the code would work.



The video is of me cutting the base of my keyboard. Since I had to wait for the Pro Micro to arrive, I decided to work on the other aspects of my project. I measured the base of the keyboard with calipers and then created a rectangle with the measurements in Corel Draw. I also made my sticker in Silhouette Studio, I just had it say my last name for simplicity and I put it on my keyboard by putting each letter on one by one because thats how a good friend of mine does it and he is moving out of town over break.


The Arduino Pro Micro arrived and I spent the day soldering the switches onto the Pro Micro after removing the Pico from the switches. I was also able to test some basic code and I got consistent inputs from 8/10 of my keys but the other two keys were a little random with their inputs because I wouldn't change anything about the project and they would stop working or work.



Today I made some edits to the code by changing what the inputs were and I also presented today. Over break I will be editing the code to making it how I want.