Spinning Patterns Lamp- Project Idea 2

Similar Idea found on Nerd Haul, Link below

Spinning Patterns Lamp


This lamp would be a bit more creative than regular lamps, as I thought to make things a bit more decorative I would design a covering for a light bulb that instead of functioning as a regular lamp shade, would spin around to project patterns thats I would also design myself and make them move across the walls with colored lights.


Most Exciting Part:

  1. Getting the object to spin around a normal light would probably include so many parts that it becomes clunky and does not look good, which would be difficult because the primary goal of this project would be for a decorative object.
  2. I am afraid it might be too simple and not fulfill all the requirements of the project.

I actually thought of this project a while back after seeing a similar projection object on Amazon, and was sporadically trying to put it together with a hodge-podge of materials in my house. It ended up being more similar to a card-stock lampshade with the top covered and old metal pieces from around the house used to prop the shade around the light, but it didn’t work very well and my mother was afraid it was going to burn down the house and made me throw it away.

Anecdotes aside, I have tried this project before and don’t quite want to give up on it yet. Designing the system and making it compact enough to still look good sounds like a fun challenge that I would enjoy doing!