(Computer Aided Design)

Box designed with Corel

With the assist of the computer aided design program Corel Draw, we went over the basics of computer design and were able design this box as seen above, that would link together using an interlocking pattern and tabs to connect them. Above is a picture of the final product, to see how it was made click below.

Logo drawn with Corel

The second thing we designed in Corel was a personal logo, using whatever shapes and images we could come up with. Since it was drawn on Corel we had the ability to use it in many different formats, and later we printed it onto a key chain and into a vinyl sticker, which you can see under the page below.

3d Printed Design

Using Fusion 360, we were able to play around with as many features as we wanted to print whatever we wanted, and I chose this little penguin shaped knick-knack holder. This was the first object I made with Despite losing part of my progress midway through, I was able to fix it and print it out. Here is the final product, the steps and my workflow can be found under the page below.