Tax Resources

Food Bank Tax Assistance Program

Food Bank’s Tax Assistance Program provides low-income New Yorkers with free tax preparation services, helping them get the refunds and credits to which they are entitled. This includes the Earned Income Tax Credit (EITC), which alone can be worth up to $8,852 for families. File your taxes with the Food Bank safely and securely, without leaving your home. Contactless in-person, virtual, and self-filing options are available.

Need assistance? Contact Food Bank for NYC Call Center at 646.981.6111, Monday – Friday, 9:00am to 4:30pm, or email at

DO NOT FORGET the following documents:

From Food Bank's website...

  • Picture ID for yourself (and for your spouse, if you are filing jointly).

  • Social Security cards or ITIN (copies or a letter from SSA or IRS letter for ITIN are also accepted as proof) for you and anyone you are claiming on your tax return. Medicare Card, SSA verification documents with a truncated SSN, (i.e., ***-**- 1234).

  • Copies of all Forms W-2 for all jobs you held in the prior year (last pay stub is not acceptable).

  • Form 1099 for other income (i.e., bank interest, unemployment, self-employment, etc.) OR 1098E, 1098T (Tuition)

  • Form 1099-R, if you get a pension, or Form SSA-1099, if you get Social Security.

  • Amounts of any other income from your records (Jury Duty fees, cash earnings, etc.).

  • Form 1095-A if you purchase health insurance through the Market Place.

  • Forgiveness of Debt (Form 1099-C).

  • Income from the Sale of Stocks, Bonds or other Assets (Form 1099-B).

  • Self- Employment Income (reported on Form 1099-MISC or from your own business) and you incurred deductible expenses to earn your income.

  • Expenses of 35,000 and under.

NOTE: To determine the best EITC you may be eligible for, please bring your complete 2019 Tax Return (Form 1040, along with EIC Worksheets A & B)

NOTE: Economic Impact Payment (EIP) Notices 1444A and 1444B that state any EIP received. If you do not have the notices, you must know amounts received.

Drop off your documents at one of Food Bank's sites!

Open February 1st through April 15! With this option , you can drop off all of your necessary documents at one of these sites and a volunteer will prepare your taxes for you. Click the icon with the arrow in the top left corner to see more details - PLEASE NOTE that an appointment is necessary for any of these sites.

File yourself online

If you qualify for EITC (earned income tax credit) or your income was less than $39,000 last year, you can file for free online with FreeFile at this link.

If you need computer access, bring your tax documents to one of the Green marker locations on the map to the right - they have computers set up and coaches available to help.

File remotely

Click here to file remotely with Food Bank if you qualify and meet the requirements described in this picture!