Video Conferencing

CES GUIDELINES for Use of live-streaming video-conferencing with students (APRIL 2020).pdf

Catholic Education Sandhurst

Guidelines for use of Live Streaming/ Video Conferencing with Students

Google Meet is our video conferencing recommendation for schools to use. It is basic in features but should be ready to use as part of your Gsuite domain.

WebEx is a reliable video conferencing solution with many features. Each CES school has one licence for Webex.

Zoom is a feature rich video conferencing tool and it is compatible on all devices. You must be using a Paid version of the software with students.

Video conferencing will be an important way of delivering lesson content and staying in touch with your students during a period of distance learning. Below we have listed some of the most common tools used for video conferencing. Click on the links to explore these resources further.


Live meetings for teacher delivery of content and question and answer time (and informal catchups), will allow teachers to continue to scaffold student learning.

The points below should be considered:

  • If you are using a free version of software, be aware that you are NOT covered by consumer law and that your data could/will be on-sold to 3rd parties - including sensitive data such as, but not limited to, student and parent email details etc.

  • Gsuite for Education (GAFE) is not included in this as it is licensed for each school. WebEx is also a licensed subscription. If you are using other software - you should be using the paid version.

  • schools will need to schedule live lessons and be aware that many families will have multiple students at home.

  • Synchronous (live) delivery of content may fail under home broadband limitations