Child Safe

Remote Learning and Child Safety

As staff begin their support of remote learning, it needs to be highlighted that the requirement to

  • communicate appropriately with students and comply with each school’s Child Safe policies and Code of Conduct remains in place.

  • Principals are strongly encouraged to remind staff of this requirement, with particular emphasis on not developing any ‘special’ relationships with children that could be seen as favouritism

  • ensuring any contact with a child or their family is directly related to the delivery of learning

  • that all learning and contact with students and their families are to be only through approved school devices and channels, including that:

        1. no personal communication devices or channels such as personal telephones, computers or email/social media accounts are to be used in communicating with students

        2. no personal contact details such as telephone numbers, social networking sites or email addressees are to be provided to students or their families

CES GUIDELINES for Use of live-streaming video-conferencing with students (APRIL 2020).pdf

Catholic Education Sandhurst

Guidelines for use of Live Streaming/ Video Conferencing with Students