Expectations for VC Meetings

For Teachers

Before joining or starting a call

  • Think about where you are. Is the background appropriate? Set up so your back is to a wall and the camera is only viewing you and the wall.

  • Place yourself where there is minimal background noise.

  • Are there too many distractions around you?

  • Put your phone or other devices away during the conference or lesson.

  • Dress appropriately.

  • Be mindful of your body language and what can be seen via the video camera.

  • Connect your laptop to power if necessary.

  • Test your microphone and video.

  • If you are sharing your screen, make sure to close all applications (and tabs) that you will not be using on the VC call.

During the call

  • Turn your mic off when entering the session

  • Check the chat to ensure appropriate language is being used

At the End of the Call

  • Ensure everyone has left the meeting before you end the meeting

For Students

Share this with your students

  • Be prepared

  • Be on time

  • Charge your device beforehand

  • Use headphones if you have some

  • Sit somewhere where you will not be distracted

  • Think about your environment. Set up so your back is to a wall and the camera is only viewing you and the wall.

  • Wear appropriate clothing (e.g. no pyjamas)

  • Mute yourself when not talking

  • If called upon, please unmute your mic and chime in

  • Use some agreed upon hand signals to avoid interrupting (e.g. Thumbs Up = Yes; Thumbs Down = No; Hand by Ear = Can’t Hear; Raised Hand = I have a comment.)

  • Chat responsibly. Think before you type.

  • Written chat must be for class purposes only. If you have other questions outside of the topic, please email your teacher.