
This aspect of the website is designed for teachers and leadership groups. It should help you with decisions around how to implement online learning, with or without technology.

Stick with the tools that your school is currently using. If you use Google Classroom/See-Saw/MS Teams etc. for your students, then continue to use that.

Use your usual communications channels - such as school website, email, electronic newsletters and social media - to communicate with your school community.

What is Online Learning?

There is a treasure trove of resources available on LinkedIn Learning to help develop best practice in the delivery of the online learning. One of our favourites is ‘Learning to Teach Online’. There are plenty of resources to build your capacity in a range of digital tools, simply use the search bar to locate content that will work for you!

Please Note:

We strongly advise that you not purchase or trial any new software from third-party providers unless you have gone through an implementation planning process.