
It was like a wave, no, a surge of coldness over my body. Not the good kind you feel after coming inside from a heat wave which causes your nearly melting skin to turn suddenly cool, but the kind which gives you pins and needles all over and makes your arms numb, making your fingers hard to tense. I wasn’t prepared for it either. It took a few seconds to realize kind of like how it is said that if the sun disappeared it would take eight minutes for anyone to realize. Unfortunately, the information finally processed through my pulsing head, and my eyes began to swell with sombreness. It became hard to breath through throaty sobs, and the room felt to have adopted a climate similar to Florida in the Summer, which is quite different from the usual New Jersey in late September.

I had come all this way, fighting my flighty urges to turn back, just for it to be gone. Why. Why did this happen. Who would have done this. The only thing to do now was wait, wait for the library to restock its book selection.