Justice For Us

Inspired by the album: . . .And Justice for All; Metallica

Each song has been given it’s own paragraph to explain the harshness of aspects in life during a mid-apocalyptic state of the world.


The dark and scorched land was the only scenery there was. Constant fog and hardly any light filled the sky. The harsh air was almost painful to breathe. Four or so years ago an apocalypse broke loose. No one knows why, and it’s unlikely anyone will figure it out. After all, most of the people were gone. A few ‘tribes,’ per se, remained. There is no name for the mutated creatures that live in these conditions, torturing the people by forcing them to live in fear. Life was quickly depleting.


As the world collapses around everyone, so does the government. Well, of course it would. How would something like that stay afloat as nearly every person is wiped from existence? In terms of justice, nothing much had changed. People were greedy just as they have been. With the limited resources that were available, humans went to extreme measures to grab what they can. They all know they won’t survive until the end, so why not take some risks? Risk the trust in justice, the trust in life.


Speaking of risks, humanity seems to have gotten bolder, though some are still timid. To those people who don’t want to risk the only thing they have left: you will lose it anyway. Everyone has lost something here, and it’s only getting worse. Apocalyptic life isn’t much different from the life they were used to. People who didn’t want to work, to risk, and only to strive had begun stepping over everyone else as they used them. They weren’t the true leaders that were needed. No progress had been made since it started, if anything, they’ve only regressed.


Apocalypses aren’t easy to make it through. Not just because of the physical requirements, but rather the mental ones. The majority of people who have failed to make it this far weren’t able to keep their heads up. Not many people believe it, but without morale, there is nothing. No hope. No dreams. No belief of returning to the world they once knew before. They only ever thought about giving up.


The so-called ‘leaders,’ who have only been deemed that role by themselves, continued to put those considered inferior to work. Anything that required a job. There was no proper leadership here. If it had to be given a name, it would be called punishment. To survive this, they would need to work together, and that isn’t what was happening.


What is truly poor in this world is the children. It’s unlikely the younger ones made it for about four years, unless they were that lucky. The older of the minors may have survived. If they did, then honestly they didn’t deserve that. It isn’t that they did anything wrong. The world now is more of a punishment then it was. They had their childhoods taken from each and every one as they struggled through until their next day.


If people were struggling to keep their minds before, it is so much worse now. Paranoia only got worse as time went on. Yes, people turned on others in fear they were contaminated or something of the sort, but after all of this time it was really beginning to set. It was setting in that there would never be an escape. When they started coming to this realization, death became much more common. If not by themselves, then with disloyalty it came. The ‘tribes’ are hardly bearing this stress.


The population diminished even further. Not a surprise, really. Who’d want to stay in a world like this? As the people left, with no where else to go, others so unsympathetically took everything they left behind. It was a struggle to survive, but some made it happen, and it was only through taking what morally wasn’t theirs. To each their own, I suppose. To each their own.


The children who have survived this far aren’t enjoying themselves, and rightfully so. The adults felt as though they had a job to protect them. Isn’t that strange how the adults will fly into their own battles, but wouldn’t harm a child under the appearance of 16? The protection didn’t help them learn how to survive in this world anymore than it did the younger children who are already gone. It is as though their wings were clipped before they even knew how to fly. Did they protect him in the hope of a new world at some point? No one could be that foolish. There is no possible way they could make it out of this destruction. . .

And with that, the journal closed.