The Cafe of the Fae

It’s a dangerous place,

The cafe of the Fae.

Many enter, but few exit.

And those who manage to escape never, ever come back.

That’s why Ligeia was such an anomaly.

And her story is sostory so interesting.

“Hello Ligeia!” Bariella’s voice rang throughout the shop,

Only a hint of malice hidden behind the sweet lilt.

“Would you like a bit

Of our newest dish?

Take some,

It’s as sweet as bubble gum.”

“No thank you Bar, I

Am not that hungry,

Without my coffee,

I cannot survive.”

“What a shame,

It’d be so much fun if you came

To join us.”

Ligeia shook her head,

Her curls bouncing like springs.

“A macchiato,

With extra whipped cream.”

Bariella sighed and went to work.


Boomed a voice,

Belonging to the owner,


“Oh how we missed you,

I felt so blue,

Without your lovely face.”

Liegia shook him off like one would a small bug,

A pest.

“For only two days.”

“It was such a shame,

Who must we blame,

For stealing away our lovely Ligeia?”

“Just a small sickness.”

“I was scared we’d never see you again,

Our lovely Ligeia.”

Out came the macchiato, and Liegia grabbed it with a perfectly manicured hand.

“Bye!” came a chorus of words,

From the cafe of the fae.


Liegia walked in the next day,

A considerably different mood between the fae.

Their gazes pierced her skin,

The regular workers, but surrounded by their kin.

It was uneasy,

But Ligeia needed her coffee,

So she continued in,

Head held high.

“Leigia! Look at our new sweets,” Started Bariella

“They’re delightful to eat,” continued a man she had never seen before

“Why don’t you try them?” Finished a large man who blocked off her exit.

“What is going on,

Where has the normal,

And nice cafe gone?”

“Don’t concern yourself with our changes,” said another fae,

Eyes brighter than the blinding sun in the sky that day.

“Just try it,” said one

“Try it,” said one of the fae she knew, Krunn

“Come on,” continued Bariella,

“You’ll love it,” said another fae, skin ashen like Cinderella.

“Join us,” they all said in unison.

Liegia tried to leave,

To turn on her heels and walk out,

But before she moved more than a foot

A strong arm grabbed behind her,

Shoving a shining silver cake towards her mouth.

“Get away from me!”

She screamed.

With no other choice she sang,

A haunting melody

Rang through the shop on that day.

And the Fae stopped,


Leigia walked out,

Missing her usual coffee,

BUt glad to leave with her life.


She came in the next day,

And everything had changed,

Back to the way it was before.

“Hello Ligeia!” Bariella’s voice rang throughout the shop,

Only a hint of malice hidden behind the sweet lilt.

“Would you like a bit

Of our newest dish?

Take some,

It’s as sweet as bubble gum.”

“No thank you Bar, I

Am not that hungry,

Without my coffee,

I cannot survive.”