The Lost Journey

Many people know the story of the Odyssey, and of Odysseus's Wanderings. But what if there was a lost Wandering, one that wasn't found until now? Below is a version of this lost Wandering.

After leaving the Lotus Eaters we set sail once again. A few hours later a storm came in to make the rough waters even worse. Water was splashing over the rails and people but we had to try to navigate. That plan was lost very soon after, as a 50ft wave pushed the boat out of direction with such power there was no way we could have stopped it. We continued on the rough waters for hours just hoping we were going anyways but backwards. As the water calmed down so did all the people for a few days. But a few days was it, because shortly after we arrived at shore. As we went in to dock the bottom of the boat scratched many many rocks causing punctures and soon the boat was flooding. I evacuated my men and we hopped on to the island.

The island was nice when it came to appearance although it gave an eerie vibe and was hard to breath in for whatever reason. We continued searching the island for countless hours looking for anything at all. We found nothing. It was late, darkness was approaching, but so was the hunger of my men and I. A group of four of them decided they would go out to try to capture some food to eat that night. The rest of us waited back at camp for the others to come back but they never did. We decided it best to rest for the night and go searching early the next morning so we did just that. As my men and I got up and prepared to leave we heard the screams, familiar screams coming from the distance. Two of my most trusted crew mates looked at me and we all nodded. We ran in the general direction of the noise looking for any signs of anything, but what we found was awful. We found our men, but they were killed. They all had similar on the same place of their arms, two big teeth, fangs, like a snake. But a simple snake wouldn't have killed all 3 of them as they are warriors and any warrior could handle a simple snake. We pushed forwards again, slowly approaching the sound of screaming trying to stay as hidden as possible.

It was at that moment we saw it, not a snake, but not a normal fanged creature either, a chimera. Part lion part goat with a snake as its tail that is said to be able to spit poison. The snake was furiously biting the man but he wasn't surrendering. And he refused to die, we decided to try to save him. My 2 men and I rushed in swords and shields on the ready but the creature showed no interest. We got ever slightly closer until the snake viciously lashed out and put a hole straight through the steel of the shield. It would take all of us to fight this thing or all of us to die trying. But that wasn’t an option. My two men both took a side and I dashed towards the creature at an incredible speed even dodging one of its snake attacks. I had my sword in hand but when I was done the sword was further in the animals side then it will ever be in my hands. The creature scowls in pain and its snake head spits a puddle of poison before it falls to the ground decapitated by my trusty man’s shield. My other guy took his sword and lodged it right in the creatures skull. That was it? Just a simple fight, there must be more I thought. But no, we gathered our stuff and went to the shore, I prayed to Athena and she fixed our ship, the death of four trusty crew members must have been enough to make her want to help us. We all climbed aboard the boat and sailed off to whatever may come next.