Mother (When Something Doesn't Go Your Way)

Mother- kind at times others not,

Why does he stay calm

When you’re overly distraught,

You preach positivity,

At these times-

Negativity you omit,

When I stand up

You say go and sit,

As I said-

Negativity you omit

When you are like this

You’re like a bomb,

Waiting for the right time

To detonate,

Define hypocritical

Wait look in the mirror,

What I’d say to this

You cannot hear,

You’ve raised me quite well

Yet you point your finger and yell,

You can do this no more

I’m running on a dry well,

You’re a nice person but I am appalled,

At the way you treat the new people

On the block,

“Oh look, it’s a Jew!”

You cry as you point

But why should you care,

A person is a person

And that seems fair,

Some people have morals

Others do not,

I guess I turned out better

Than you originally thought,

Sometimes I like you

And other times not,

You make me re-look

At everything I was taught,

You express your domination

Showing no reconciliation,

In desperate times

The ties that bind can be

Somewhat difficult to find,

As I patiently wait for your

Day of Reckoning,

Your presence can be very,

Very unwelcoming,

Until then-

I must try my best

To not let you

Get to me-

Just know-

There will be a day

Where the damage

Won’t be fixed-