Digital Arts

Multimedia Design

Introduction to Multimedia

Students interested in the areas of media production, graphic design, video production and related fields will develop a basic to advanced understanding of Adobe Photoshop, Adobe InDesign, and Adobe Premiere. Activities will include editing photos, making advertisements, editing video, and other multimedia projects. Students who take this class can expect to develop professional skills, practice being creative and using technology, have fun, and be pushed as far as they want to go in Multimedia. This class is the first of a pathway of courses that build up to the Graphic Design and Video Production classes that will give students the opportunity to earn a CTE Pathway Certification, become Adobe Certified, and do real work for a client.

Advanced Multimedia

Students will build on the Adobe PhotoShop and Premiere skills they learned in Introduction to Multimedia, while also exploring new Adobe programs. This class is the second of a pathway of courses that build up to the Graphic Design and Multimedia Design classes that will give students the opportunity to earn a CTE Pathway Certification, become Adobe Certified, and do real work for a client.

Video Production

Students will become experts at video editing with Adobe Premiere. They will have the opportunity to become officially Adobe certified in this program if they desire.

Digital Photography

Intermediate and advanced level applications of digital photography. Students will learn how to properly use technology and equipment, while understanding key concepts of design when taking, editing, and producing digital images.

Broadcast Journalism

Advanced skills in video production, photography, and journalism will be utilized to develop an in-house news delivery media. Students will contribute to the weekly student newscast CHTV as well as develop individual projects that reflect student’s personal interests. Students will take on roles that immolate professional positions within the field of TV/Video production that demonstrate high levels of journalistic integrity, journalistic skills, editing, lighting, and sound mixing skills. Students will develop a comfort utilizing special effects and transitions and generate video segments as well as news based articles that are both engaging and enriching for the CHS student body

Optional: Media Writing

This is an essential piece of the CTE Multimedia Design Pathway. Students will learn how to create engaging story narratives and write professionally-formatted scripts.

Graphic Design

Introduction to Multimedia

Students interested in the areas of media production, graphic design, video production and related fields will develop a basic to advanced understanding of Adobe Photoshop, Adobe InDesign, and Adobe Premiere. Activities will include editing photos, making advertisements, editing video, and other multimedia projects. Students who take this class can expect to develop professional skills, practice being creative and using technology, have fun, and be pushed as far as they want to go in Multimedia. This class is the first of a pathway of courses that build up to the Graphic Design and Video Production classes that will give students the opportunity to earn a CTE Pathway Certification, become Adobe Certified, and do real work for a client.

Advanced Multimedia

Students will build on the Adobe PhotoShop and Premiere skills they learned in Introduction to Multimedia, while also exploring new Adobe programs. This class is the second of a pathway of courses that build up to the Graphic Design and Multimedia Design classes that will give students the opportunity to earn a CTE Pathway Certification, become Adobe Certified, and do real work for a client.

Graphic Design I

Students will use Adobe programs - Illustrator, Photoshop, InDesign - to explore the basics of graphic design, and create materials that are informative, creative, & visually interesting. Assignments include projects for school, & developing a fictional business to build a brand around (logos, slogans, websites, business cards, etc.). Students will also have the opportunity to make original, creative projects such as film/book posters & stickers.

Graphic Design II

Students will build on the skills they've learned in Graphic Design I, especially in Adobe programs. Students will also learn to use Adobe XD to develop their own mobile apps. Students will focus on working with clients in the community to develop professional work. In addition, students will participate in contests, such as Google for Doodle. Upon course completion, students will be eligible to take an Adobe certification exam in the program of their choice.

Graphic Design III

Students will be working towards a semester-long project, developing a portfolio of digital work. Students will continue to work for clients in the community & create projects for the school. Students will also be working independently to create a personal website that will serve as their graphic design portfolio.