business & Finance


Intro to Business

Designed to expose the interested student to many functions of modern business. Topics such as business environment, management, organization, marketing, finance, accounting, & data processing are discussed.

Accounting I

Students study the basic accounting principles & terminology for a sole proprietorship service business. Students will apply the nine steps of the accounting cycle & become familiar with the banking system utilizing working papers & computerized accounting.

Accounting II

Students apply principles of accounting for payroll systems & a merchandising corporation in both manual & computerized accounting methods. Students will complete several mini-practice sets.

*This class may be taken for four (4) credits through Chemeketa Community College.

Accounting III

Students apply principles of accounting for special features such as but no limited to: depreciation, inventory control, uncollectable accounts & notes payable. Students will use different scenarios to apply their understanding of small business & corporate accounting.

Accounting IV

Students go through an extensive training course of the premier software for business accounting, Quickbooks. Students complete various simulations and scenarios that allow them hands-on experience, culminating in the opportunity to pass the Quickbooks certification exam, a nationally recognized professional certificate.


Covers an introduction to marketing, business-to-business marketing, services marketing, branding, social media marketing, and marketing ethics. Students will learn about marketing plans and strategies businesses use to market their products.

Advanced Marketing*

Students will take what they learned in their Marketing course and use it to run a marketing campaign where they will bring awareness to teams, clubs, activities, and other programs at CHS. Campaigns will include advertisements, and brand awareness. Students in this class will also team up with students in our digital arts program to help run these campaigns.

***Coming in 2022/23: Marketing

Want to know more?

Check out our new Business & Finance Program Video Highlight!

Video created & edited by CHS student: Josiah Sage