Central CTE

Building Skilled Professionals for tomorrow for our community today

Career & Technical Education (CTE) programs are designed to provide students with work-based learning that will:

*Enhance professional & employability skills

*Offer certifications in related industries

*Provide opportunities for college credit

*Give students real-world experience that supports our local community

Did you know...

Central students who engage in CTE graduate at higher rates?

The 4-Year Graduation Rate at CHS for 2020-21 was 85.41%.

For those students who take a CTE course, the graduation rate jumps to 92.22%.

For those students who complete a CTE Program of Study, those rates climb even higher to above 95%.

CTE works! Please explore our site to discover what opportunities await your student.

Want to know more?

Watch our new CTE video: Your Future Starts Here