Zoey Tiefenthaler "Self-Reflection"
5.5 x 8.5”, Pencil, Pens, Alcohol Markers, 2023
The concept of this project came from a photo I took of myself in January. I liked how the photo looked, so I decided to do a little self-portrait sketch of myself with a pencil. Months later, I saw potential in connecting this sketch with the theme of my portfolio, so I decided to go further with this drawing.
Once I went through with turning this into a project, I started by outlining the piece on the left with Microns. I wanted the lineart to fully cover all lines on the self-portrait, so I mostly focused on the facial area, the clothing, and the parts of shadow. From there, I started working on the other “self-portrait”, using a number of different references I looked up online, while also trying to keep that semblance of familiarity. The process for the right self-portrait was pretty much the same; I started with a pencil by drawing it out and shading it, then outlined it with Microns. Afterward, I used alcohol markers to outline the outside of the two portraits to bring in some color. Lastly, I used a red and blue pen to draw lines along the background of the self-portraits and finalized the pieces with additional shading and outlining.
This artwork, like its title, is meant to represent the curious wondering about the possibility of me living a different life compared to the one I have lived for the past 18 years. It’s meant to ponder the question not just to myself, but to you, the viewer, of “What if?...”. On one side, there’s the present self; the body you’ve been acquainted with for the longest time, the vessel you’ve presided within and have become familiar with, more than any other possible person. Every time you look in that mirror, your reflection is true to what you think, that you are “you”. The other side, however, poses that lingering thought, the thought of what could’ve been, of how different one’s circumstances could be if all of these scenarios played out just a little bit alternatively. This “self-portrait” could be but one of millions of reimaginings of yourself. Because life is unpredictable, and time is always moving. At this point, your choices become the catalyst of change for the self, relationships with friends and family, your financial status, and your preconceived notions of all things involving this world. The drawings of the self look in opposite directions, unaware of each other’s existence, simply living their life without questioning much. The selves’ colors manage to bleed through into one another’s side of the paper, an assumption that both of the subjects are having an influence on one another. Besides the obvious of the two’s differing visual aesthetics, you aren’t entirely sure of their lifelong circumstances, nor their choices. With the exception of if you were to personally know them, you are only left with the ability to view and assume.
The most difficult part was drawing and figuring out the look of the other “self-portrait”. I had to make sure to keep in mind the proportions of the figure, as well as how I wanted to go around making it look dissimilar to the first self-portrait, but not to the point of lacking any recognizability. Since I drew these self-portraits on the same page, I was able to sort of “trace” the size of the head of the first self-portrait onto the other side of the paper, so I was able to dodge a bullet there in having to struggle trying to make sure head sizes were around the same size. If I were to start this project over, I might’ve used a different reference image of myself that could hint more on where I’m from and how it has influenced me as a person.
This project roams in the style of Realism and Abstract, mostly. The lineart and shading pertain to my style the most. I am proud of how both of these self-portraits turned out, especially the one on the right, as I haven’t really drawn or taken inspiration from persons of Asian nationality before.