6. Zhengke Zhongjun Mansion Seated/20201018

6. 正科中軍府安座/20201018

In August of the lunar calendar, when there is only one year left in the Yingwang Festival, the "Zhengke Zhongjun Mansion Seating" ceremony will be held. At the same time, the Zhongjun Mansion and Yingwang Dake Year Zhongjun Mansion will be enlightened and seated. The presence of the Zhengke Zhongjun Mansion symbolizes that the Chitose Lord Daitian Xunhu has dispatched the heavenly soldiers and generals to supervise the smooth operation of the festival.

迎王祭典約僅剩1年的農曆8月,會舉辦“正科中軍府安座”儀式 ,且會同時將值年中軍府與迎王大科年中軍府進行王令開光點眼與安座典禮;正科中軍府的蒞臨象徵著代天巡狩千歲爺已派遣天兵天將部隊,監督祭典如期順利運作。