15. Ship relocation, military rebirth, substitute sacrifice/20211030


Ship relocation is the traditional settlement of Donggang Town by the Thousand People Relocation Ship. The king ship group, the Qijiaotou sedan chair and the relevant personnel of the festival will perform their duties and do their best. The king ship and related equipment will be used by land to sail around the main traditional settlements in Donggang Town; except for receiving town residents along the way In addition to loading, at the same time Donggang Town's private households will also carry out ritual reforms and surrogate rituals to eliminate disasters and disasters; the entire team mobilizes about 3,000 people to tow the king ship by manpower, and colorful costumes in the traditional Qijiao head sedan class, accompanied by The majestic and majestic momentum of the majestic and majestic king ship can be called the most ceremonial in Taiwan, and it fully demonstrates the ultimate expression of the pride and love of the people of Donggang.

The job distribution of the relocation ship:

Served as the head of Prince Wen—responsible for the thousand-year-old mikoshi of Wen Mansion.

Served as the head of the Chinese military mansion-responsible for the second payment.

Served as the head of the five thousand years old-responsible for the second payment of the front spindle.

Served as the horn head of the four thousand years old-responsible for the rear sail.

Served as the head of the three thousand years old-responsible for the foresail.

Served as the corner head of the two thousand years old-responsible for the mid-mast mid-sail.

Serving as the head of the great Chitose-responsible for the hull of the king ship.

遷船就是千人遷王船遶行東港鎮傳統聚落。由王船組、七角頭轎班和祭典相關人員,各司其職、各盡其力,將王船及相關器具以陸上行舟方式,遶行東港鎮主要傳統聚落;除了沿途接受鎮民添載外,同時東港鎮民家家戶戶也會進行犒軍與替身祭改、消災解厄;整個隊伍動員約三千人,以人力牽引王船,在傳統七角頭轎班繽紛色彩服飾,伴隨雄偉華麗王船的磅礡氣勢,堪稱台灣祭典之最,更充分顯示出凝聚東港人引以為傲 、愛鄉情懷的極致表現。







