Visual Art

"Art is not about what you see, it's about what you make others see."  -Edgar Degas

Fall '23 Classes

Manipulate images to communicate ideas and opinions through composition, language and photography.

Explore 2D media with an emphasis on color, contrast, depth and arrangement.

Work with clay and other materials to learn about form, function and modeling.

Tell stories with traditional and digital animations.

Create objects that are made to adorn, embellish, convey meaning and symbolize larger ideas.

Explore printmaking media such as block printing, etching and screen printing. Create 2D art as well as fabric design and clothing graphics.

Create objects that are made to adorn, embellish, convey meaning and symbolize larger ideas.

Independent Art

Take what you know and explore new ideas, media, and techniques.

Spring '24 Classes

Manipulate images to communicate ideas and opinions through composition, language and photography.

Explore 2D media with an emphasis on color, contrast, depth and arrangement.

Independent Art

Take what you know and explore new ideas, media, and techniques.


Explore the art of designing buildings and spaces for use, enjoyment and contemplation.

General Art Assignments

Write a clear, concise statement about your art. 

Create a Title that contributes to the impact of your artwork on the viewer and a properly formatted label.

Thought provoking documentary about Street Art. 

Explore ways to look at art and understand what you see. 

Establish criteria for evaluating art and use them to collect work for an exhibit.

* Proficiency required for graduation 

"In creative arts the metaphor is everything.  The writer, composer, or artist conveys, often obliquely by abstraction or distortion, their own perceptions and the feelings they hope to evoke - about something, real or imagined.

They seek to bring forth in an original way some truth about the human experience.  They try to pass what they create directly along the channels of human experience, from their mind to your mind.  Their work is judged by the power and beauty of it's metaphors"