
‘24-‘25 Evening Contract

As an evening class student, I agree to create a safe, supportive, and inclusive space where all students can thrive academically, socially, and emotionally. By adhering to the principles set forth in this contract, we aim to foster a conducive environment for learning, personal growth, and mutual respect.

Respect for Others: I will treat my peers, teachers, and staff members with kindness, courtesy, and empathy. Verbal or physical harassment, bullying, discrimination, or any form of disrespectful behavior will not be tolerated.

Pacing: I agree to complete 1 semester of work every 8 weeks, understanding that I will need to do work outside of the Tuesday and Thursday I attend in person. 

Commitment to Learning: I agree to take responsibility for my learning journey and commit to making progress in the assigned coursework. Remember, this is about your growth and development!

Weekly Schedule: I’ll create a weekly study schedule, breaking down tasks and setting goals. Stick to it as much as possible, but don't stress over minor adjustments. Flexibility is key!

Communication: The communication lines are open! If I have any questions, need help, or want to discuss my progress, I will reach out to my teacher. We're here to support you


Academic Integrity: I agree to maintain academic honesty, refrain from plagiarism (including using AI tools), cheating, or any form of academic dishonesty.

Follow School Rules: I agree to comply with all school policies and guidelines regarding conduct, attendance.

Responsible Technology Use: If allowed to use personal devices in the classroom, I shall use them solely for educational purposes and in accordance with the teacher's instructions.

By adhering to this contract, I acknowledge my commitment to responsible and respectful learning. I understand that any violation of these rules may result in disciplinary actions as determined by the school's policies.

Student's Name: _____________________________

Student's Signature: _____________________________                  Date: ______________

School Official's Signature: _______________________                 Date: _______________

This agreement serves as a commitment to fostering a positive and productive learning environment, ensuring active engagement and participation during class.


Tuesday & Thursday 4pm-7pm

Credit Recovery

Students who are currently enrolled in an area high school and are deficient in credits may take credit recovery classes during the evening classes.

Attendance Policy

Students are required to attend at least SIX (6) class sessions.