About Us

Mission Statement

Welcome to Rebound! We have been proudly serving the diverse communities of Southern Illinois. We believe that education should be inclusive, empowering, and tailored to meet the unique needs of each student. With a rich history spanning over five decades, we have consistently strived to provide a nurturing and supportive environment for learners who may thrive better outside the traditional educational system.

At our school, we recognize that every student is an individual, with their own strengths, passions, and challenges. Our dedicated team of educators and staff is committed to fostering a safe and inclusive space where students can explore their interests, develop critical thinking skills, and cultivate a love for learning.

What Sets Us Apart:

Over the years, we have witnessed countless success stories from our students who have gone on to pursue diverse paths, including higher education, skilled trades, entrepreneurship, and community service. We take immense pride in our alumni, who continue to make a positive impact in Southern Illinois and beyond.

Whether you are a prospective student, parent, educator, or community member, we invite you to become a part of our extended family. Together, let us continue to build a brighter future for the young minds of Southern Illinois and inspire a passion for learning that will last a lifetime.