Carbondale Family Literacy

What is Carbondale Family Literacy?

We are an Illinois State Board of Education Prevention Initiative Home Visiting program which focuses on families who are pregnant or have children ages birth to three. A certified parent educator is available to answer questions and help connect families to resources in their community specific to the needs of families with young children.

Why should you join?


Regular developmental screenings are completed to provide you with information about your child's growth and development. The Parent Educator also provides hearing and vision screenings annually.


We offer monthly playtimes for children 0-3. Parents gather with their children in our inviting classroom environment to have the opportunity to play together. Explore our materials, play with a variety of toys, sing and dance and enjoy the support of group discussions about the joys and challenges of life with infants and toddlers.

Parenting Support

Parents of infants and toddlers face many of the same challenges and appreciate support and encouragement of others that have met those challenges successfully. Monthly parenting cafes' offer families an opportunity to discuss a variety of parenting information, such as toilet training, child guidance and discipline, nutrition, etc. This allows parents to be invilved in a support group and provides them with important child development information.

home visits

Home visits are designed to provide information to families about parenting skills, parent-child interactions and child devlopment.

lending library

Children's book, toys, as well as parenting books and videos may be checked out for your use at home. These can be found in the Family Literacy Office.


Our program is 100% voluntary no one is mandating you to belong and it is FREE. There is no cost to you to participate.

For more information on how you can become part of the Carbondale Family Literacy Program call:

Stephanie 549-8232 ext 326  or email:

Are you interested click on the button below and complete interest form