Year 7

Arithmetic Procedures - four basic operations (+,-,x,÷) , multiplying and dividing decimals and applying this knowledge to area and perimeter.

Multiplicative Reasoning – Introduction to ratio, discovery of how to share equitably and identify best buys.

Algebraic Manipulation – Algebraic notation, simplifying algebra and substitution. Applying these concepts to solving equations

Geometrical Properties – Identification of 2D and 3D shapes. Introduction to angles on a line and at a point. Application of this to 3 and 4 sided shapes. Symmetry

Transformation and Journeys - Students start with Neil Gaiman's novel Coraline, exploring themes such as gratitude, boundaries and duality through the journey of a young, female protagonist. Whilst studying this novel students will also be given access to a number of fictional texts as a springboard for their own creative writing.This is followed by the study of a selection of poems exploring a wide range of poetic voices and perspectives. Students will be given the opportunity to develop and share their own views and perspectives through both the written and spoken word. We then look at Dickens' timeless novel, Oliver Twist, exploring themes such as poverty and injustice which remain as relevant today as in the Victorian era.Throughout the unit students will be exposed to a number of non-fiction texts to support their own transactional writing. The final text studied in year 7 is Shakespeare's The Tempest, where the idea of journeys is continued both physically and metaphorically. Students will study the key conventions of form and genre as well as forming an understanding of Shakespeare's language.

Throughout the year students will form an understanding of how to use active reading strategies to read for meaning across all forms of writing. They will learn the initial strands of an analytical essay in preparation for extended analytical writing and develop a range of new creative writing sentences.*

Students in Year 7 will complete a baseline reading and writing assessment at the start and end of the academic year and these will be used to identify students that may require additional support. In addition students will complete assessments at the end of each unit of work. These assessments will be based around the following areas: reading, comprehension and development of the deconstructed essay; knowledge developed throughout the unit, including knowledge of tier 3 vocabulary; tier 2 vocabulary; grammar, punctuation and spelling and either a creative or transactional writing task, which includes the construction of the creative writing sentences taught. 

Cells - the building blocks of life, how the human body works; digestion, muscles, reproduction

Ecosystems - how organisms are connected to their environment

Particle model - properties of solids, liquids and gases leading to atomic structure

Acids and bases - hazards and the uses of acids, Organic chemistry - using fossil fuels 

Energy - the types, stores and transfers, Electricity - series and parallel circuits

Forces - exploring forces and their interactions

An introduction to Programming using Scratch and Kodu programming software. This will enable students to create their own games. E-Safety and the Internet covers the dangers of using digital technology in today’s society. Programming Constructs are covered through the use of drag and drop code to introduce the key programming constructs. Students will sequence their instructions to solve problems and create simple algorithms.

Year 7 History intends to establish a common foundation of knowledge and skills. Students will begin their exploration by studying ancient historical wonders of  the world and strengthening their skills of historical enquiry.

Then they will move onto a chronological study of British history from the Normans though to the Civil War. Year 7 students then consolidate this chronological knowledge through a local case study of Colchester and how it has changed over time.

In year 7 students are introduced to the foundations of geography. Geographical skills are developed across the year including map skills and GIS. Students begin the year by studying their place in the world – including local geography, looking at Clacton, before broadening out to take a look at the physical and human geography of the UK. Across the year, we then take a look at Asia, North and South America and Africa, introducing key geographical ideas, such as landscape formation, economic geography, climate change and migration. The year ends with a fieldwork unit focussing on microclimates around the school to introduce fieldwork techniques to students.

A thematic approach interspaced with a direct focus on religion. Themes: Making a new start, using figures from Christianity (Zacchaeus, Paul, Nicky Cruz), Poverty; Introduction to ethics (animal rights, the environment, genetic engineering). The study of religions includes origins, beliefs, teachings and practices of Judaism, Islam and Sikhism. Pupils are always learning about and learning from religion, through debate and enquiry

Through the teacher led approach, to develop an understanding and be able to perform a range of skills and techniques in range of sporting activities. Students are taught technical development combination of games (e.g rugby, footballl, netball), striking and fielding (e.g. rounders and cricket), swimming, net games (e.g badminton, table tennis);athletic based activities, artistic movements (e.g. gymnasticsa and dance) and outdoor adventure activities through drop everything and play weeks. 

Introduction to drama; exploration of Roald Dahl texts. Skills include; still image, transitions, role play, improvisation, tracking & split scene. Exploration & profiling of different characters, development of essential skills; hot seating, role on the wall, proxemics, writing in role, spatial awareness, characterisation, movement/mime/gesture, non-naturalism and physical theatre.  Theatre in Education, target audience and theatre craft. 

Development of knowledge of styles through performance and choreography

Exploring dance styles including the cultures and backgrounds of Hip Hop, Rock n Roll and Bollywood. Dance terminology is introduced through practical aspects of action, space and dynamics. Performance skills are developed through the exploration of styles focusing on posture, extension and projection. Organisation and communication skills are enhanced through tasks of designing and leading warm ups, ensuring health and safety protocols are met. In addition problem solving skills are consistently developed through choreographic tasks and evaluation of performances.

Year 7 is an introduction to food studies, students learn basic cooking skills, like knife skills ( slicing, dicing), baking, grilling and frying to produce a range of exciting meals. The main focus  is how to work safely in the kitchen environment, reducing the risk whilst cooking dishes such as Stir-fry, pizza faces, omelette and pasta ragu. 

Students begin to learn the importance of working independently to produce food that could be recreated at home. 

Our Oceans – Exploring the formal elements of art, students will record the unique structures of marine life with a wide variety of art and design media such as paint, ink, pastel and clay. Researching the ceramic work of Courtney Mattison, they will experiment with pattern and texture creating 3d clay sculptures.

Masks - exploring different African countries and cultures students will record mask and pattern observations in a range of media such as, collage, paint, printmaking and clay. Developing decorative cardboard relief mask outcomes.

Learning the functions and how to use the sewing machine, Construction of fabric (woven and knitted fabrics) Hand stitching skills. Applique as a method of decoration using the sewing machine. Improving cutting skills and accuracy. Transfer printing as a method of decoration, how quilting is used to develop fabric. Importance of recycling in Textiles through creating a crazy patchwork sample. Developing an understanding into job roles and future careers. 

Gifts project –Health and safety in the workshop before taking part in practical activities. Students will use scroll saws, a disc sander and pillar drill to make their own products. Students take ideas from a 2D format and create them in 3D. Students work with wood, metals and plastics learning their properties and capabilities. Students will learn skills in Computer Aided Design and will laser cut outcomes to produce high quality products as well as hand made. 

Students are introduced to performing, listening and composition through a variety of topics including: African Drumming, Instruments of the orchestra, Elements of Music, Beatles to Britpop, Program music and Music technology (Logic Pro).
Skills will include: composing basic rhythms and melodies, performing using a variety of instruments including keyboard, ukuleles, percussion and vocals. It also includes listening and appraising music from different genres, including World Music. Students are introduced to reading notation and music technology (Logic Pro).
All these skills link with the elements of music, with every topic providing students with a good understanding of music.

Students follow the NCELP (National Centre for Excellence for Language Pedagogy) course in Spanish, which is funded and researched by the DfE. This is based on vocabulary, grammar and phonics, and provides research informed SOWs, aimed at the new GCSE and designed to improve the success of foreign language learning. It is NOT topic based but focuses on the same 4 key skills as always, plus phonics and grammar. This continues in Year 8.
Their learning content looks like this:

Year 7 Spanish

Students cover a range of topics throughout year 7 including the following:

Social media as a positive influence

Online grooming

Growth mindset

Verbal bullying

Knife crime and gang culture

Tobacco, vaping and cannabis


Accepting responsibility

Misogyny and sexism

Challenging stereotypes

Learning from mistakes

Self confidence and self esteem

Managing money


Confidence building in group work

First aid and CPR

Sign language 

Consent and respectful relationships

Body Image