Computer Science

"Everyone should learn how to code, it teaches you how to think"

Steve Jobs 


We are living in the Computer Age; it engulfs us, pervading every aspect of our daily routines: our work, our leisure, our social interactions and our general communication. The digital world in which we live is inspiring and powerful; it expands our learning opportunities and offers boundless, unimaginable possibilities. In the 21st century, it is almost as important to be digitally literate as it is to be literate.

For our students to be able to live life to the full and embrace all the wonders of the modern age, an understanding of how technology works and the effects that it has on our everyday lives is critical. Students studying Computer Science learn to become computational thinkers, which is a higher-level process, whereby students can interpret and analyse problems and form innovative solutions. Problem solving skills are an important set of skills, which are transferable across all their subjects, and future careers. 

The operating system for all innovation 

 Year 7 

An introduction to Programming using Scratch and Kodu programming software. This will enable students to create their own games. E-Safety and the Internet covers the dangers of using digital technology in today’s society. Programming Constructs are covered through the use of drag and drop code to introduce the key programming constructs. Students will sequence their instructions to solve problems and create simple algorithms.

Year 8

A study of the Legal and Ethical Issues of computing include key laws focusing on The Data Protection Act, GDPR, Copyright and The Computer Misuse Act are learnt. Programming Constructs are taught using Python and is used to introduce text base programming. Web Design will teach students how the internet works and to create a professional website. Networks cover how computing devices are connected and how data travels in packets.

Year 9 

 A deeper understanding of Converting Number Bases and how to convert between binary, decimal and hexadecimal are covered in year 9. Units of Information and how to convert between unit sizes e.g. GB to TB link to the number bases. Representing characters, images and sound links to binary conversions. Key algorithms are taught for searching, sorting and compressing data. The advantages and disadvantages of these are studied.

Year 10 

Students explore Data Types and Structures and how computers store and manage different types of data in different ways. Arithmetic, Relational and Boolean Operations are used within programs to carry out calculations and decision making with programming. Computational Thinking Inc. Decomposition, Pattern recognition, Abstraction, Algorithm Design. Teach students to think in a logical way to problem solve. 

Year 11 

Understanding the Fundamentals of Computer Networks and how different types of networks are set up and have advantages disadvantages with potential security issues. Fundamentals of Cyber Security covers different types of viruses and malware attacks with prevention methods. Ethical, legal and environmental impacts of digital technology on wider society, including issues of privacy give students a moral view of how computer affect the society we live in.