
“Music is the universal language of Mankind”


Music is the fabric of our society and can shape abilities and character. The music department is a place where students can communicate through music and explore literature and emotion in a different direction.  

Learning and developing musical skills will give you the important tools to succeed in any direction you choose to go.   It will build your communication skillls, your empathy and your confidence which are vital in all walks of life.  Music allows you to express yourself through your passion for the subject as well as collaborate with others and develop your team building skills. You will have freedom to experiment with new ideas and explore avenues you perhaps thought of as not possible. 

It is an environment where students are encouraged to make mistakes and learn from these to continually grow as people and musicians. Studies have shown that those who study music perform better in a variety of subjects, including maths, science, reading, and language. This is because music develops physical skills, cultivates social skills, refines discipline and patience and boosts self-esteem.  It allows students the opportunity to explore other cultures as well as social, historical and political issues developing a common language.  Collaboration is key in Music and students from all age groups and backgrounds have found a safe haven and a place of comfort where they can be free to express themselves and their ideas without fear of judgement or negativity. The music department is a place where you can be you! 

Music is expression of the soul and a language we can all understand 

 Year 7 

Students are introduced to performing, listening and composition through a variety of topics including: African Drumming, Instruments of the orchestra, Elements of Music, Beatles to Britpop, Program music and Music technology (Logic Pro).
Skills will include: composing basic rhythms and melodies, performing using a variety of instruments including keyboard, ukuleles, percussion and vocals. It also includes listening and appraising music from different genres, including World Music. Students are introduced to reading notation and music technology (Logic Pro).
All these skills link with the elements of music, with every topic providing students with a good understanding of music.

Year 8

Students widen their musical experiences through further performing, listening and composition topics. The scheme of work is varied to include: Battle of the Bands, The Blues and EDM music.

The scheme links with the elements of music and builds the following skills: performing on various instruments, including guitar, keyboard and ukulele; development of compositional techniques using music technology and traditional methods; development of listening and appraising skills to build on their musical knowledge and understanding.

Year 9 

In Year 9 students continue on their musical journeys. The scheme of work has a variety of themes including: Reggae, Film music, Music production and Popular music. The scheme links well to the Elements of Music and builds and develops prior learning and skills.

Students are given the foundation they need to continue to further their musical knowledge so that, if they wish to progress to studying Music at key stage 4, they will have the building blocks to help them succeed. Year 9 students are required to establish a primary instrument.

Year 10 

Component 1: Exploring Music Products and Styles

In Year 10, students build on their knowledge learnt at key stage 3 to begin their journey on the BTEC award in Music Practice. Students compile a portfolio of knowledge and examples of their understanding of styles studied throughout term 1. This includes creating 60 second musical products for either - Performance, Composition, Music for Film, Live Sound and DAW.

Component 2: Music Skills Development

Students explore and analyse skills they have learnt so far on their musical journey, identifying strengths and areas for development. Students begin developing practice routines and set targets to improve areas of development in - Performance, Composition and creating Daw Projects.

Year 11 

Component 2: Music Skills Development Continued

Using information gathered during the summer term of Year 10, students establish areas of development and create SMART targets to improve key skills within music. Students use these targets in aiding them to create two products (Performance and Composition). They are required to log their progress via Key milestones and keep a practice diary for performance skills.

Component 3: Responding to a brief

This externally assessed unit is the final project of the course. Students are required to rearrange an established song into a new style of music. Students are given the choice of ten songs and a choice of four styles to rearrange their chosen song into. Students use their knowledge and skills gained during their musical journey to create their reimagination of an established song.