Hospitality and Catering 

Cooking is all about people. Food is maybe the only universal thing that really has the power to bring everyone together. No matter what culture, everywhere around the world, people get together to eat.       Guy Fieri


Ever wondered why you feel more tired in the winter? Why is brown bread; brown? How do you make fresh pasta?  How does food fuel our bodies? Without food, where would we be? Food is a necessity but also a passion, whether it is cooking for pleasure or cooking for performance, food at CCHS will give you the opportunity to develop independence and creativity. 

Young people developing their ability to independently cook a dish is a regular experience in the food rooms at CCHS. The wonderful smell of food wandering up the corridor has people drawn into the food room to visit what is being made by the students. The pride and confidence shown by food students when they talk about their dishes is a delight. This is a life skill that is cherished forever and understanding how to cook and bake allows students to become independent and well rounded individuals. At CCHS we believe in developing students to grow their independence, decision making, self belief, confidence and the joy of discovering new foods. 

Giving you the recipe to achieve and taste success!

 Year 7 

Year 7 is an introduction to food studies, students learn basic cooking skills, like knife skills ( slicing, dicing), baking, grilling and frying to produce a range of exciting meals. The main focus  is how to work safely in the kitchen environment, reducing the risk whilst cooking dishes such as Stir-fry, pizza faces, omelette and pasta ragu. 

Students begin to learn the importance of working independently to produce food that could be recreated at home. 

Year 8

This year develops cooking skills, weighing and measuring, and transferable skills such as organisation and timings when cooking. A range of cooking skills are used to produce dishes such as burgers, curry, jam tarts, pies and there are opportunities to choose ingredients independently.  Students carry out investigation into food groups and the effect on the human body and impact lifestyle. 

Year 9 

A heavy focus on developing practical skills. Students enjoy Investigating and developing catering techniques. They use specialist equipment and cooking methods..Adapting menus to suit different customers and situations, aids their understanding of  Menu planning

A health focus on  nutrition and the consequences of insufficient nutrient intake. Dishes including commodities, such as; soups, meats, fish, alternative proteins, cakes, pastry.

Year 10 

Year 10 students spend their time mastering catering techniques, improving cooking skills based on nutrient groups carbohydrates, protein, fats, vitamins and minerals. Menu development is now related to a specific group (e.g diabetic, vegetarian), recipe development to include healthy choices. Cooking methods in relation to health factors (an example would be reducing fat by grilling for a low fat cooking method). Real life case studies are used to support hospitality and catering investigations, to transfer students knowledge into the world of work 

Year 11 

The final year of study is based on case study investigations , they are carried out on commercial establishments where food and drink are offered to the consumer. A Practical exam brief given during the year, and students are given opportunity to practice menu ideas based on exam brief. Written coursework is completed involving researching, practical making and written evaluations that show developmental understanding. The year 10- 11 course structure is Coursework 60% and theory exam 40%.