
“The media's the most powerful entity on earth. They have the power to make the innocent guilty and to make the guilty innocent, and that's power. Because they control the minds of the masses.” 


Fandom, after all, is born of a balance between fascination and frustration: if media content didn't fascinate us, there would be no desire to engage with it; but if it didn't frustrate us on some level, there would be no drive to rewrite or remake it. These components build on each other to motivate your students by helping on each other to motivate your students by helping them put what they’ve learned into practice and grow in confidence. 

As the BTEC Tech Award in Creative Media Production is a practical introduction to life and work in the industry, your students can explore the sector while: • developing technical skills and techniques • producing a digital media product in response to a brief • reviewing and reflecting on the process and outcome. The course has two internally assessed components, and one that's externally assessed: These components build on each other to motivate your students by helping them put what they’ve learned into practice and grow in confidence. 

It is all around us, make up your own mind, form your own opinions

Year 10 

Coursework based - Examination of existing products aimed at a teenage audience as per the brief. Moving image/Print/Interactive platforms. Creation of media products using practical skills ranging from 2 minute film trailer, documentary, magazine, newspaper article depending on students strengths and preferences. 

Year 11 

Media and Marketing - Introduction to marketing and understanding the marketing mix. Existing campaigns will be looked at and in teams/individually a campaign will be created for a product using different promotional methods. Media Forms (Moving Image) - in-depth look at moving image - TV adverts, trailers, and documentaries.

Media Forms (Print) - Exploring print forms of media, newspapers, magazines, leaflets and their codes and conventions. Exam preparation - All components of the exam are covered from research to design tasks. Exam-The exam pre-release is issued and it will be completed over 9 hours after the 6 week allocated preparation time. We create a brand identity, going through the planning process and then pitching a proposal to an audience.