
Please fill out the form below to have a Preschool- 3rd child evaluated to see if he/she qualifies for Gifted and Talented Services. 

Please fill out the form below to have a 4th-12th grade child evaluated to see if he/she qualifies for Gifted and Talented Services. 

How do you know which students in your classroom have been identified as gifted & talented? 

1. Check the Primary Talent Pool or Gifted and Talented google sheet shared with you

2. Use Infinite Campus to see the flagged PTP or GT students and access their Gifted Student Service Plan (GSSP) 

If you think a student may be Gifted and Talented but not on the list, please fill out the PTP or GT referral below.

Gifted and Talented 2022-23

Not sure if a student is Gifted and Talented? Check out this video about identifying GT students

Links to Differentiation and/or Critical Thinking Resources 

Links to Content Specific Resources for creating challenge for Advanced Students 

THINKlaw lessons are ready-made presentations with challenging real-world tasks for students that cover all content areas and grade levels K-12 (THINKlaw can be found in the shared drive or by clicking the links below).

THINKlaw Early Elementary

THINKlaw 4th and 5th

THINKlaw Middle/High School

How do I motivate GT students that won't try?

Gifted and Talented students must not only believe they can grow but must believe in the value of growth... many gifted students resist this because of their experiences within the classroom. As teachers, we must change that in order for them to succeed later in life. Check out Carol Dweck's TEDtalk for more information.