July 11 Agenda
Regular Meeting
RSU #74 Board of Directors
July 11, 2018
6:00 pm
Carrabec Community School
1.) Adjustments to the agenda.
2.) To see if the Board will approve the Minutes of the Regular Board Meeting of June 6, 2018.
3.) Presentation: None
4.) Reports: Written Reports were mailed to Board Members and are available online at www.carrabec.org
A.) Superintendent’s Report
1. Appointments:
Julieanne Pearson-Belanger – Lead Teacher at GSS
Deborah Haynie – Lead Teacher at Solon
Mary Keenan- Ed Tech Authorization Chair
Tanya Carey – New Teacher Mentor
Brian Twitchell – Certification Chair
Sophie Handrahan – 2nd Grade Long Term Sub at GSS
2. Resignations:
Nate Stubbert – Athletic Director/Alternative Ed
Kirk Robinson – Elementary PE Teacher
3. Nominations:
Julie Richards – Part – Time Athletic Director- Stipend
Richard Mason – Industrial Technology Teacher at CHS
John Berube – English Teacher at CHS
Angela Bedard – Social Worker at CCS
Doug Woodsum – Special Education Ed Tech II – District
B.) Administrators – N/A
C.) Committees: None
5.) Citizens comments on agenda items.
“The RSU #74 school board will follow school board policy BEDH/KD, in that public comment will be limited to no more than 30 minutes in total length and that all comments must relate to the business to be conducted by the RSU #74 school board at the stated meeting on the current agenda.
6.) To see if the Board will elect the Board chair and vice chair. This will be a written ballot.
7.) To see if the Board will approve the Board Sub Committee assignments for 2018-2019.
8.) To see if the Board will approve ½ time Reading Recovery Teacher at GSS.
9.) To see if the Board will approve a $5000 High School Music Teacher stipend.
10.) To see if the Board will re-approve the copier/printer RFP bids.
11.) To see if the Board will authorize it’s chair to officially send communication to MSAD #13 to invite them to discuss sharing a Superintendent.
12.) To see if the Board will discuss Student Handbook updates.
13.) To see if the Board will discuss the ESEA update (Jean Butler).
14.) Adjournment