Special Education Report

MAY 28, 2024

To:  RSU #74 Board of Directors

From:  Grace Cram, Special Education Director

Re:  Board Report for  June, 2024

In June, the Special Education Department continues to wrap-up the current school year and plan for next year.  The IEP Team has met on 4 of the 10 referrals.  When the IEP Team meets for an eligibility meeting it reviews the completed evaluations and must complete 1 of the 3 State Forms (Learning Disability Eligibility Report, Determination of Adverse Effect on Educational Performance and/or Speech or Language Eligibility Criteria Form).  Upon completion of the appropriate eligibility form, the IEP Team determined that all 4 of these students qualified and required special education services.  The remaining 6 eligibility meetings will occur before the end of the school year.  

This month I would like to thank Beth Higgins, who is a Social Worker in the district., who has taken a position in another district.  Mrs. Higgins has worked in the district as a Social Worker for the past 24 years.  I know I can, and have, called her at all hours to check the protocol for a situation that has occurred.  I know the three remaining Social Workers also rely on Mrs. Higgins for this same advice and support.  Mrs Higgins will be greatly missed.  

I also want to thank Becky Taylor.  Mrs. Taylor is retiring after working in the district for 24 years.  Becky was hired as a Special Education Technician in August of 1999 to work at Central Elementary.  Becky transitioned to the high school when Central School started downsizing due to the decrease in enrollment at Central.  Becky has worked with a variety of students and is able to engage even the most resistant students.  Becky will be greatly missed by the staff and students.  

Special Education continues to be a very busy department and we are in hopes that going into the next school year we are able to fill our vacant positions to make our department the best it can be for the students of RSU #74.  Have a great summer!