The              Tiger

Welcome to the Tiger Section! In this section you can learn interesting facts and information about the Tiger!


Panthera Tigris

About Tigers

Speed: 30 40 mph
Mass: 200 – 680 lbs (Male), 140 – 370 lbs (Female)
Lifespan: 10 15 Years
Known for: Strength and Predatory skills
Closest Relative: Snow Leopard
Animal Type: Mammal


          The first tiger was found in Lantion, China. Today, the tiger lives mostly in India, Nepal, Bhutan, Bangladesh, Myanmar, Russia, China, Thailand, Malaysia, Indonesia, Cambodia, Laos, and Vietnam. Over 75% of the global wild tiger population lives in India alone. 


          The tiger is a carnivore, meaning it eats only meat. A tiger's everyday diet is made up of large ungulates, such as wild boar and deer, but are also known to consume monkeys, buffalo, sloth bears, leopards and even crocodiles. 


          Not many tigers remain in the wild. About a century ago, 100,000 tigers roamed across Asia, but now less than 5,600 tigers remain in the world. This is why tigers are considered endangered, or not many of them are left in the world.

Tiger Types

          There are many different types of tigers. There are nine known ones that include the Bengal Tiger, the Sumatran Tiger, the Siberian Tiger, the Caspian tiger, the Javan tiger, the Indochinese Tiger, the South China Tiger, the Balinese Tiger, and the Malayan Tiger. However, only six out of these nine species are alive today. The Caspian, Javan, and Balinese Tiger all went extinct between 1950 and 2010.

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