The Flamingo

This section of our website is all about flamingos. You can learn new and cool facts about the wonderful flamingo!

Informative facts about flamingos

                                                               Their Diet

A flamingo's diet mainly consists of algae, small seeds, tiny crustaceans (like brine shrimp), fly larvae, and other plants and animals that live in shallow waters.

                                                                              The Pink Feathers

The pink feathers aren't there when they are born. The pink color is from the food they eat. Many plants have red, yellow, and orange pigments called carotenoids. When they eat those foods over and over again, it turns their feathers a bright pink.

                                                    There are Six Species

Despite there being over 2.5 million flamingos in the wild, there are only six known species. The names are the greater flamingo, lesser flamingo, Chilean flamingo, Andean flamingo, James flamingo and American flamingo.

                                                             They can fly

You may see flamingos in groups on the ground by they can take flight.

What you need to know 

About the Flamingo

Speed: About 35 MPH

Weight: 5 -- 9 Lbs (Male) 6 -- 8 Lbs (Female)

Lifespan: 20 --30 Years

Known For: Their pink feathers, and stilt like legs

Closes relatives: Waterbirds known as Grebes


Fun Flamingo Facts