The Sea Turtle

Welcome! This is the Sea Turtle section of our Zoo & Aquarium! Here you can find amazing information and facts about Sea Turtles!

Sea Turtle


About Sea Turtles

Speed: 22 mph
Weight: 73 to 110 lbs
Lifespan: 50 - 100 years
Known for: Hiding in their shells
Closest Relative: Tortoises
Animal Type: Reptile


          Sea Turtles were first seen in Thailand and several parts of Europe. Today, sea turtles can be found in most of the world's ocean, apart from cold polar seas. You can find a lot of them in North America and South Asia, living in bodies of water ranging from small ponds and bogs to large lakes and rivers.


           A Sea Turtle's diet is mainly made up of sea grass, sometimes called eel grass, fish, crabs, shrimp, seaweed, jellyfish, sea cucumbers, and corals. A Sea Turtle is an omnivore, which means it eats plants and other animals.


          Nearly all species of the Sea Turtle are now classified as endangered, with three of the seven existing species being critically endangered. Around 6.5 million Sea Turtles remain in the wild, today.

Sea Turtle Types

          There are seven different types of Sea Turtles. They are the Leatherback, the Green Turtle, the Hawksbill, the Loggerhead, the Olive Ridley, the Kemp's Ridley, and the Flatback. Three are critically endangered.

  Sea Turtle Facts!