The Gorilla

Hi! This part of our website is all about the gorilla! In this section, you can learn new facts about the gorilla

Interesting Gorilla facts

                                                          Their Main Diet

About 85% of their diet is made out of leaves, shoots and stems, but gorillas can also eat ants, larvae, snails, and even roots.

                                                                                   We Are Alike

Gorillas are like humans, in fact, they are 96% of our DNA with them.

                                 What You Need to Know

                                       About the Gorilla

                                           Speed: 25 mph

                                   Weight: Male: 300 lbs Female: 150 -- 200

                                                 Lifespan: 35 -- 40 Years

                               Known for: Most powerful and striking animal

                                                     + being human like

                                 Close Relatives: Chimpanzees and humans