The Penguin

Welcome to the Penguin Section where you learn information about your favorite animal, the Penguin!



About Penguins

Speed: 3.7 - 5.6 mph
Mass: 27 - 41 kg
Lifespan: 15 -  20 years
Known for: Excellent swimmers
Closest Relative: Petrels and Albatrosses
Animal Type: Bird


             Penguins only live in the Southern Hemisphere. The tiny blue penguins can be found in Australia and New Zealand, while the majestic emperor penguins can be found in Antarctica and the king penguins can be found in many sub- Antarctic islands.


           A penguin's diet is mostly made up of krill, squid, and fish. However, their diet varies slightly on the species of penguin, which have slightly different food preferences. 


           Many penguins live in remote non-countries such as Antarctica, which has an estimated population of 44,000,000 penguins. Several remote non-sovereign territories near the Antarctic also have significant penguin populations.

Penguin Types

           There are 18 different species of penguins. They are the King Penguin, Emperor Penguin, Gentoo Penguin, Adelie Penguin, Chinstrap Penguin, Southern Rockhopper Penguin, Northern Rockhopper Penguin, Fiordland Penguin, Snares Penguin, Erect-Crested Penguin, Macaroni Penguin, Royal Penguin, Yellow-Eyed Penguin, Little Penguin, African Penguin, Humboldt Penguin, Magellanic Penguin, and Galapagos Penguin.

Penguin Facts