Mrs. Valerie Petty, Director
Follow us on Instagram @ NewhartMusic
Current Music Announcements
🎵 NEW STUDENT INFORMATION - Incoming 6th Graders
Welcome to your future music program! We can't wait to have you join our family. We have fun, make great music, learn how to read music, and create many new friendships! View one or both of these videos to see what our program is about:
As long as they are district approved, we should be going on the following field trips:
Jan. 30 - Disney Calif. Adventure (8:15am-8:45pm) ADVANCED & ENSEMBLE
Orch Performance at 11 AM at Backlot Stage
Band Performance at 12 Noon at Backlot Stage
March 18 - Festival at SJHHS (8:45-1:30pm) STRING ENSEMBLE
March 19 - Festival at SJHHS (8:45-1:30pm) WIND ENSEMBLE
March 20 - Philharmonic Society of Orange County Field Trip Mostly Kosher! Concert (8:45-12:30pm) ALL
April 16 - CVHS Festival (8:45am - 1:30 pm) INTER. BAND
April 18 - CVHS Festival (8:45am - 1:30 pm) INTER. ORCH.
Details, as we know them right now, are posted under the links found on the Calendar of Events. Chaperones will be chosen as paperwork is given for each trip. Thanks in advance.
Photos of the bands and orchestras in action will posted on the right. Scroll down and find them where it says NEW. We already have many photos in the folder. You must be logged into your account to view the photos. Students, please show them to your families. If anyone has more photos for Mrs. Petty, please email them to If you have a bunch, put them in a google drive folder and share the folder link with her. Thank you in advance!!
Parents and guardians, please sign-up to be a Canvas Observer. This allows me to send important emails to families regarding field trips, concerts, and other reminders. This also allows you to email your teachers and see your child's grades and assignments. Once you sign-up as an observer for one class, you will be part of your child's account for all classes through high school. Click here for a link ion how to sign up. Our school (Newhart) is listed in the district's Canvas account which is "" We do not have a "school" account, only district. Good news is that once you sign-up, you will be signed up from now through 12th grade and for all classes.
We have a gift idea list on the right. It links to Amazon lists based on each instrument. The #1 gift that helps students the most is a music stand. Any version would be so helpful. Musicians need to be able to see their music well. There are many online stores or local music stores who have fun t-shirts, earrings, hats, decorations, pop/movie music books, etc. which highlight the fun of what we do. Great for holiday gifts!
If you are looking to purchase an instrument, please see your teacher for help. Local music stores are also a good resource. Be careful with online or non-music store purchases as many of the "deals" are "too good to be true" and your teacher can help guide you. Poorly made instruments are often not playable and hinder success. We want to set you up for success!
🎵 Got a Metronome and a Tuner?
We use these on a regular basis in all music classes. TempoLite for metronome (free app) and for a tuner, our favorites are (website and iPhone app for all instruments, even orchestra) and (website) both work great for our class.
🎵 String Player Help
CLICK HERE for Scales Ace (FINGERING CHART SCALES), New Music Books, Instrument Websites and SO MUCH MORE!
🎵 video & website help FOR instrument
New to an instrument? Want to know how to put it together or hold it properly? Play with the right sound? Basic note reading? Here are some wonderful websites for BAND and ORCHESTRA (Violin or Violin, Viola or Viola, Cello, & Bass). The blue instrument titles take you to the websites.
Click on the headings below to go to the page listed
Canvas Assignments, Grades, & Emails
Canvas - How to Sign-up as a Parent/Observer
C.V.H.S. Instrumental Music Website
Community Youth Performing Groups
Concert Dress Attire - with Pictures
C.U.S.D. District Honor Band & Orchestra
Gift Ideas for Music (May be blocked by district, so please log in with personal device)
High School & College Requirements for the Music Student
Instrument/Voice Specific Websites Flute - Oboe - Bassoon - Clarinet - Bass Clarinet - Saxophone - Trumpet - French Horn - Trombone - Baritone Horn/ Euphonium - Tuba - Violin - Viola - Cello - String Bass - Percussion - Voice
Mad Music Minute & Note Names Online
Music Links to Music Website Resources
Parent/Guardian Info for Music Help
NEW Photos from your 24-25 Rehearsals, Concert, Field Trips - Must use email to view
PTA Music Writing Reflections Contest
String Instrument Tuning Notes
String Orchestra Sheet Music Ideas - Pop/Movie/Patriotic Books Available for Purchase
String Workbook Recordings for Shifting and Key Signature - Gold Section of Workbook
Supply Lists for All Instruments
Tuner - Bandmate (for all instruments)
🎵 Congrats to Mrs. Petty 🎵
Mrs. Petty recently earned two Music Educator Awards! She received the SCSBOA (Southern California School Band & Orchestra Association) award for "Best Middle School Teacher 2024." Click here to see the "CUSD Insider" article about Tesoro's Orchestra and Mrs. Petty who were honored at the conference. On Feb. 27, 2024, she also earned the OCMAA (Orange County Music Administrator Association) award nomination for the OCDE (Orange County Department of Education) Outstanding Music Educator Award. Not everyone nominated received the nomination award. "It is such an honor and pleasure to receive the recognition" says Mrs. Petty.
Please note that the Constitution of the State of California requires that we provide a public education to you free of charge. Your right to a free education is for all school/educational activities, whether curricular or extracurricular, and whether you get a grade for the activity or class. Subject to certain exceptions, your right to a free public education means that we cannot require you or your family to purchase materials, supplies, equipment or uniforms for any school activity, nor can we require you or your family to pay security deposits for access, participation, materials, or equipment.
ATTENTION: The Capistrano Unified School District (CUSD) does not assume any responsibility or liability for the content that may be present within external Websites linked to and from this site that are operated or created by or for organizations outside of the CUSD. The linking to or from this site does not imply on the part of the CUSD or any of its schools any guarantee of quality, assumption of liability or endorsement of the organizations maintaining external Websites. Those organizations are solely responsible for the operation of their Website and quality of the content including advertisements, links, media, images and text that they may deem appropriate.
Website Last Updated Jan. 23, 2025