YouTube Music Videos
Beat Boxer/Singer - Winner of the "France's Got Talent" Show
Beat Boxing Flute Player - playing the Super Mario Bros. Theme.
One Man Band/Orchestra - Pixar's short story - Really cute!
Bassoon Quartet - playing the Super Mario Bros. Theme.
German Brass playing Toccata and Fugue - song also heard in Fantasia.
Mr. Klingbeil at the 2012 Area Concert as "Captain" for Wind Ensemble Performance of Spongebob
Ford car used as instruments - this is a commercial using Ford car parts to make instruments to perform on.
Mnozil Brass does Bohemian Rhapsody - this is real talent and pretty neat too!
Orpheus at the Area Concert 2009 - Newhart Inter. Orch. & String Ensemble
Sound of Music - Central Train Station
Star Wars/John Williams Tribute - This is really neat if you are a fan.
Violinist and Piano Player - Interpretations of songs, both serious and fun. These are very talented and funny.