Attending School

Wait? They have school in the Summer?

Yes, the Germans have school until the very end of July, so while we are there, we attend school for a minimum of 5 days in class (but it is usually closer to 10).

It is also of the utmost importance that we are respectful, follow school rules, attend classes, and do our best to participate in their school day. We are the only Americans in their school, so we want to make a good impression with our positive attitude and good behavior.

Additionally, each student gives a presentation to their German partner's classes. The topic must be approved by me, Herr Megowan, and fully developed as an instructional unit for German teens.

CHS students then teach and present their topic while attending school in Germany. It is acceptable for the presentation to be primarily in English if that is what you want. It needs to engage and interest the German kids so think of something that isn't boring, ask lots of questions and get them involved. Keep it visual!

Topics should be specific to our own experience and not too broad. Good examples from previous years included: Lewis & Clark, the Oregon Trail, U.S. Sports, Geography of the Northwest, the American School System, Our Constitution, etc...

Here are some guidlines and possible topics.

The Project Checklist:

    • Does your topic teach the Germans about Oregon's history, culture, or geography?
    • Do you know a lot about the topic?
    • Do you have a good presentation lesson plan?
    • Is your presentation interesting?
    • Do you have it saved in multiple formats such as .html and .doc and as a slideshow?
    • Have you got an interesting handout for the German kids to do?
    • Do you have your visual / video portion of your presentation?
    • Have you practiced teaching your lesson at least once?
    • Have you submitted your work to Herr Megowan for him to review it and give feedback?
    • Does Herr Megowan have backup copies of your documents / lessons?

And just so it's clear, our partner school is the Clara Schumann Gymnasium. In Germany, a "gymnasium" has nothing to do with sports. It is simply the name (derived from Greek) for a German college-prepatory high school. Students who attend a gymnasium and pass a rigorous series of exams during their senior year are entitled to a free college education. This system ensures that every student who is smart and motivated will be able to go to college. If you are able to pass the tests, then you will be able to go to college. These tests are called the "Abitur."