Secondary STrand RESources

All Sessions

Secondary Institute

Asset-based Pedagogy

Asset-based Pedagogy handout

Academic Vocabulary Frayer Model Google Slide

Frayer Model How To 

Instructional Practices for English Learner Students

Six Interacting Instructional Practices for ML and EL Students 

Integrated & Designated ELD

CA ELD Standards Overview

CA ELD Standards

LACOE's ELD Standards 1 page 

Standards Bundle Google Slide Activity 

Independent Study

Vignette Collection

Vignette Collection note-catcher 

Vignettes Discussion

Vignette Collection

See it in Action

Integrated and Designated ELD Video Series

Standard’s Bundle google document  

High Impact Strategy  

CA ELD Standards Part II: Learning about How English Works

Text Jumble 

Year One - Session 1

Year One - Session 2

Year One - Session 3

Year One - Session 4

Year Two - Session 1

Year Two - Session 2

Year Two - Session 3

Year Two - Session 4