Blended Learning with OneNote Notebooks

9:25-10:25 Room 147 Grade Level: Secondary Content Area: Social Studies Beginner Skill Level

Kim Saputo & Jane Violet

Participants will learn what a class notebook in OFFICE365 could look like for a Social Studies class. ...they will be begin to create or edit their own notebooks.

Kim Saputo's Bio

Kimberly is the Social Studies Head Content teacher for grades 5-8 at Gaudet Middle School. She has been teaching for 28 years; 23 French and 5 Social Studies. She is also a Technology Coach for the district. She fully integrated her curriculum with One Note last year and continues to strive to engage her students by reinventing based on student interests and skills.

Jane Violet's Bio

Jane is a 7th Grade Social Studies Content teacher at Gaudet Middle School. She has been teaching for 17 years. She is also a Technology Coach for the district. Last year Jane transformed her teaching by integrated her curriculum with One Note. She provides her students with an engaging, rich, high level experience that supports their current reality of technology.

Session Resources

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