Ms. Kimberly. A beloved teacher. With a past soaked in the cursed ichor that consists of revenge. In her good days, she was the head of the New York Times. Fame. Fortune. Glory. It was all at her fingertips. Until... 

When one climbs the corporate ladder, one must fall. It was Taylor Swift in disguise who fell, and it was Taylor Swift in disguise who started spreading rumors about her.

Rumors catch to ears the way sparks clutch to gasoline, they come to their audience and then they grow and grow until the truth is buried under a hill of charred lies and charlatans. So quickly, Ms Kimberly, honest, loving, Ms. Kimberly was removed from her perch at the top. And if you start at the top, you have a long way to fall. 

The next few months passed in a blur. She remembered stumbling through job interviews until finally she pulled herself out of her haze to realize that she was a teacher at some weird school named BUGS. Who would name a school BUGS? 

Then, she looked around. A dozen children. She could use them. She could forge an empire. Overthrow the New York Times. 

Don't stop there... Overthrow them all. 

She got to work.

Footnote: The Hornet Headlines is just the first phase in her plan.

Ms. Kimberly when she worked for The New York Times. Before her fortune turned to ruin.