Instructions for Resetting Your Projector & Dock

Projector Fix:

  1. Turn the projector off. This is the most important step.

  2. Unplug the power from your dock. (The black box that your laptop hooks to)

  3. Unplug the cable from the side of your laptop.

  4. Count to ten and plug the power back into the box.

  5. Plug the cable back into the side of your laptop.

  6. Turn the projector back on.

  7. The two should re-establish the connection. The laptop should recognize the projector and display your screen. Do not forget that Function + F8 allows you to choose either Duplicate (shows what is on your screen) or Extend (allows you to drag a tab over to your projection screen while your laptop displays a different screen).

Tips for Using your Newline Panel

Newline Tips MES