Use the resources below to get started with the technology hardware & software available to you in your classroom at MES.  There are quick links to the things you will need in the first month of school.  This will quickly allow you to jump to the sub-pages that are most essential to ensuring your first month of school is a techie one! 

Don't see what you are looking for here?  Reach out to me and I will add what you need or we can schedule a coaching session to address your need.  

Google Drive Tips

Google Classroom

Chromebook Tips

Daily Tech Templates

Outlook Tips





Vivi Support

Panels & Projectors




Chrome Cart Procedures

Printing to the Copier and Color Print Jobs

Printing to the Copier - When you select print, you will see an option for MyQ-SouthBryan on PRINT-SRVR-RH.  This sends your print job to the copier.  You can pick it up on any MES copier by clicking the release stored print jobs button. 

Color Copies - Email items for color printing to I will print those and return them to your box. 


Tech for Teachers New to MES

New Teacher Info 22-23